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There are currently 8 entries in this directory beginning with the letter D.

Decade of Action
UN sponsored initiative to accelerate international transformation and to encourage innovation and creativity to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.

Department of Economic and Social Affairs.

Do it Yourself.

Double Materiality
The importance or salience of a sustainability or ESG matter or topic to an enterprise and/or its stakeholders based on the impact the enterprise has on the environment, people, human rights and the economy  and the impact sustainability or ESG matters or topics have on enterprise development, performance, position and overall value.

See Also: Materiality; Impact Materiality; Financial Materiality;

Customers and activities linked to enterprise outputs including the purchase, use and disposal of enterprise products.

Disaster Recovery.

See also: BCP; Dress Rehearsal.

Dress rehearsal
A planned event to test disaster recovery and business continuity plans.

Due Diligence
OECD in their 2011 Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises recommend enterprises carry out risk-based due diligence, “to identify, prevent and mitigate actual and potential adverse impacts” caused or contributed to by the enterprise through its operations, products, services or business relationships.

Due diligence is the level of care responsible businesses are expected to take to protect their businesses from environmental and social risks and impacts and in turn to protect their stakeholders, the environment and society in general from risks and impacts that occur as a result of enterprise activities, decisions or relationships.

Source: OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises.