
Sustainability is not a buzzword. It’s an ethos, a cultural identity that must be embraced by all micro, SME, and multi-national enterprises and organisations who want to survive and thrive.

As the world evolves, major global issues such as climate change, rising inequality and digital insecurity increasingly threaten our communities, our businesses and our livelihoods. In addition, recent events like the COVID-19 pandemic and Suez Canal blockage, have thrown into sharp focus our collective vulnerability and lack of reserves when faced with certain threats.

People all over the world are looking for solutions and view businesses as uniquely placed to effect rapid, effective change. They are using their leverage as leaders, policy makers, shareholders, consumers, financiers and employees to demand disclosure and transparency from businesses on their impact to people, human rights, the environment and the wider economy.

Ready or not, businesses have been given a new mandate. Sustainability.

Sustainability is essential for enterprise viability

It can also unlock enormous opportunities
Future proof your business

Customers, investors, employees and stakeholders want to know what companies are doing to contribute to society and the environment. If you cannot respond, they will walk away.

Become compliant

Ensure that your business complies with national and international sustainability legislation, standards and agreements.

Know your value chain

Provide peace of mind to large customers and suppliers that you know everyone in your value chain. This will ensure continuation and growth of your business.

Increase competitive advantage

An ethical enterprise attracts top talent, highly motivated employees, engaged investors and customers looking to make a positive impact.

Avoid and mitigate risk

Identify, assess, manage, prepare for, prevent and/or avoid sustainability-related risks and issues in advance to protect against shocks.

Avail of early adoption benefits

Early adopting companies gain competitive advantage quicker and reduce potential financial, legal and social risks.

The challenge for business

While businesses must embrace sustainability and responsible business conduct (RBC) quickly and effectively in order to survive and thrive, many are struggling. They are not experts in sustainability and are usually short on time, money and capacity. They want to focus their efforts on keeping the lights on and growing their business. Many view sustainability as a distraction, a nice to have, or as an isolated objective to attract top talent or satisfy stakeholders.

This view will cripple your business.

Sustainability is an essential, integral component of all viable businesses. Not only are enterprises obliged by international law to avoid harm, to engage in sustainable and ethical practices and to contribute to national targets on climate change and sustainable development, sustainability enables businesses to build resilience, increase efficiencies and unlock opportunities for innovation and shared value creation.

To fully realise all of the benefits of sustainability, enterprises must transform.

The solution: STS, RBESG's sustainability transformation system

STS is a complete, self-guide solution which has been designed to expertly guide you through every stage and step of your enterprise sustainability transformation journey.
STS comprises three independent, interrelated components:
STS Plan, STS Implement and STS Report.
By leveraging familiar technology already owned and managed by your organization, STS avoids steep learning curves and protects against data security concerns. It also ensures there are no hidden costs or ongoing commitment requirements as customers can opt to purchase STS as a complete solution upfront or as individual components for tactical use. Payments are once off and entitle the enterprise to lifetime use.
STS Plan

STS Plan is detailed stage-by-stage, step-by-step guide with templates, which enables you plan and deliver sustainability transformation within your organization.

STS Implement

STS Implement is a management information system (MIS) which equips you with a practical tool to implement and manage your sustainability and ESG data.

STS Report

STS Report templates and examples enable you seamlessly create your first sustainability or ESG report, in accordance with international reporting standards and frameworks.

What makes RBESG the right choice for your business?

At RBESG, we have both sustainability know-how and transformation expertise. We are passionate about empowering businesses to transform and committed to helping all enterprises improve their impact.

We do this in a variety of ways:

  • We offer FREE professional ESG and sustainability reporting templates to all enterprises who subscribe to our mailing list.
  • Our products contain everything you need to plan, implement and report on sustainability transformation programme and initiatives.
  • By empowering your business to self-transform, we save you thousands in advisory fees and setup costs.
  • We support all sized enterprises at every stage of their growth and development.
  • We use familiar, accessible technology which enables you maintain secure control of your data.
  • We offer bespoke consultancy services to help you maximise your impact.
  • Our first consultation is free so you can discuss your requirements with no commitment or obligation to buy.

Ultimately, our mission is to empower you to take control of your own sustainability. This means giving you the information and tools needed to carve your own path. We don’t hold back or drip feed information based on subscription or plan types, we give everything upfront.

We measure our success by our clients independence and their ultimate sustainability and viability, not on their continued or repeat custom. That is to say we love our customers but if we fulfil our aim to empower them to become self-sufficient, we should rarely hear from them.

Speak to an expert

If you would like a demo of STS or more information on how our products and services can help transform your impact and sustainability, schedule a 1:1 chat with us today by selecting ‘First Consultation’ from the services menu of our booking form.

Alternatively, send us a message using the form below and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

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